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Hot Web Design Ideas for Your Business in 2022

A well-crafted website is the foundation of your Louisville small business. It is your ticket to driving more qualified leads, recurring clients, and building an authoritative online presence.

SSEO trends tend to change pretty often, but one thing remains constant: no matter the year, if you want your website to grab more eyeballs, you must make sure it looks fantastic and offers users a great experience from start to finish. In the second half of 2022 and beyond, there will be plenty of new trends in website design that you will want to stay on top of if you want your Louisville business website to succeed.

Here are just six of the trends we expect to see in web design in Louisville, KY; hopefully, they will give you some inspiration for your site! 

Photo by Miles Manwaring

User Experience + Usability

We can expect to see a continued focus on user experience and usability. This means that website designs will focus on ensuring that users can easily find what they are looking for and easily navigate the site. In addition, designers will also pay attention to how users interact with their site on different devices, ensuring that the experience is consistent no matter how someone is accessing it.

Colors & Contrast

Modern websites continue to be all about colors and contrast. Vibrant and high-contrast color schemes will be increasingly used to grab attention and stand out from the competition. Start incorporating these trends into your designs to stay ahead of the curve.


In the world of web design, typography is everything. And moving forward, we predict that web designers will continue experimenting with creative and innovative ways to use typefaces on their sites. From bold and sans serif fonts to playful and quirky handwritten scripts, expect to see a wide variety of fonts being used in unique and interesting ways.

Mobile First Design

Today, more people browse the internet on their phones than on any other device. That’s why it is important to have a website that looks good and functions well on mobile devices. Mobile-friendly designs are responsive, meaning they adjust to fit any screen size. They also use large fonts and buttons, which makes them easy to use on a small screen. If you want your website to be ahead of the curve, make sure it is designed with mobile users in mind.

Non-Traditional Page Layouts

In recent years, we have seen a shift away from traditional website layouts with a header, sidebar, and footer. Now, we are seeing more unique and non-traditional layouts that better suit the content and style of the site. This trend will continue in the future, so if you are thinking about revamping your site, you might want to start exploring some non-traditional layouts.

SEO Focus

SEO should be at the forefront of your mind when designing your website. After all, what is the point of having a beautiful website if no one can find it?

Here are a few things to keep in mind to make sure your website is SEO-friendly:

Use keyword-rich titles and descriptions.

Optimize your images with alt tags.

Create fresh content regularly.

Include external and internal links.

Make sure your site is mobile-friendly.

Use social media to promote your content.

Monitor your website performance with Google Analytics.

Tackling your website’s SEO demands can be daunting. Therefore, we recommend working with a professional! A reputable Louisville SEO agency can help you ensure your site is SEO-friendly!

Photo by Stephen Phillips -


It is never too early to start thinking about future web design trends. At Root of Pi, we can help your business stay ahead of the curve by bringing your site up to date. Call us at 502-625-6035 or write to us at [email protected] to book a free consultation.

Until next time,
